world of Blog just become like fun cause to the number of penyedia of service of blog free like blogger, wordpress, blogdetik, etc. by dozens also them using personal hosting with personal domain also. many [all] blogger using international domain like . com, . net. etc with a purpose to [so that/ to be] blog they can compete. though in fact local domain nor fail to emulate with international domain with its target note (it) is true local resident [of] alias of indonesia
[Party/ side] of PANDI alone very is regreting [of] phenomenon will this, just conceiving is [of] other nations like malasyia which [is] its consumer notabene [of] him much more a few/little from local domain indonesia [of] him have can predominate [all] narablog in it, so also with singapura where us know singapura [is] small state and its consumer [of] him which a few/little but local domain very enthused by resident of singapura blogger alone
Myself prefer to wear local domain, like because with a few consideration / reason of following 1. Reader goals and visitor of this blog (it) is true aborigin of indonesia because if seen from its its[his] clear to (it) is true end " id" having a meaning (of) indonesia 2. Its price which reached to owning flimsy sack;bag, there is no need to to but worry although its cheap price but [do] not fail to emulate with international domain [is] case. com, etc come [from] blog owning local domain really dioptimasi as maximum 3. Pride and like to become the part of consumer of local domain because can add list consumer of local domain
That'S some reason why more opting me [of] local domain, but there are some my blog which use TLD which [is] international its extent like . dkk com. and (it) is true my blog [of] its goals the other [of] resident him
iya mas, mari dukung domain lokal :-D
Klo ane tetep setia pke domain
Aman dan nyaman..
iya lebih nasionalis :)
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