Who [do] not know big situs shar free file like Megaupload, yes megaupload [is] one of [the] biggest free file sharing situs [in] world, but its founder namely dotkom kim [at] 20 of januari last arrested by police of selandia new of american governmental comand join an association because of he [is] claimed [by] have [done/conducted] collision of biggest copyrights [in] world with loss value appraised to reach USD 500 million dollar. ( manteepp
therefore along arrested of dotkom kim but he also ask of freedom, so according to detik.com founder of the biggest situs have resided in its house but around its house [is] armed at all points by police, one of [the] prohibited to be activity to be [done/conducted] by kim [is] to touch internet, possible this enjoinment truely correct dikarenekan if him come into contact with again with frightened illusory world to [do/conduct] collision of copyrights again
hm . . for me [do] not so have problem the kim come into contact with or [do] not with important internet [of] situs shar other free file don't be closed.
Saya setuju asal yang lain jangan ikut di larang....
quote "nilai kerugian ditaksir mencapai USD 500 dollar. (manteepp)"
sitik mennnn? :D
iya mas, semoga yang lain tidak kena imbas nya :-D
salah ketik mas . .
Inilah salah satu dampak dari diberlakukannya "SOPA PIPA" hmmm ribet memang kalau berurusan soal hak cipta dengan amerika, mending berurusan ameriki saja dah..
iya mas . . .
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